"Quality in our Heart, Mind and Soul" ...prevails in Green Cross Laboratories

"Quality in our Heart, Mind and Soul" ...prevails in Green Cross Laboratories
October 30, 2018

"Quality in our Heart, Mind and Soul" ...prevails in Green Cross Laboratories


Despite the fact that every single blood test is designed to be as precise, accurate, sensitive, and specific as possible the studies demonstrate that there are several factors (besides the disease) that can cause abnormal blood test results. Errors in preanalytical and post-analytical processes occurred much more frequently than occurrences of analytical errors. 

Our wish is to deliver relevant and accurate Smart Blood Analytics reports to physicians and patients, therefore the quality of blood test results is crucial for our work generally. We are more than happy that we met Green Cross Laboratories (GC Labs) representatives and that we started a discussion about a possible collaboration with the largest and leading Korea’s clinical laboratory which expands its operations worldwide as well. GC Labs delivers accurate results with the lowest analytical uncertainty possible, which are ready to be run through the Smart Blood Analytics algorithm.

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